Job Seekers Have 912,600 Jobs in Canada to Choose From

Canada Immigration Express - Food

If you are looking for a job in Canada, now is the time to apply for a position. According to StatCan, there were 912,600 job vacancies in the third quarter of 2021, making it an all-time high. Job seekers have the best option of finding a job in accommodation and food services, construction, manufacturing, retail trade, health care and social assistance, which accounted for 33 percent of the increase in openings. 

The only industries where Canadian jobs didn’t increase compared to two years ago were forestry, agriculture, fishing and hunting, and real estate. The increase in openings has signaled the many changes in the labor market conditions across several sectors and regions. These sectors have faced severe challenges trying to keep up with labor demands and increased economic activity. If you are interested in beginning the process of applying for the required visa to live and work in Canada, contact Canada Immigration Express.

Job vacancies in Canada are primarily found in jobs with the lowest average pay. Low-paying jobs made up over half of the vacancies. Occupations with the highest pay made up 9.4 percent. Among the positions that had the most vacancies, cooks, retail salespersons, construction trade helpers, orderlies, nurse aides, and patient service associates had the most growth in wages. 

These trades had a 9.7 percent increase in pay. Canada is a land of opportunity. Immigration is celebrated because it is known to boost the economy. If you are interested in relocating to Canada and have questions about the process, contact Canada Immigration Express today.
