One Canadian man saw a need and acted on it, changing a young immigrant boy’s life.
A Syrian refugee child desperately wanted to play hockey like his friends, but couldn’t afford any equipment. The man behind the post doesn’t want to take credit for getting Yamen Bai on the ice, but his action made all the difference. Michael Doyle said within 20 minutes, gear started arriving at his house! Now Bai is just like any other eleven-year-old who is happy and completely in his element.

They raised enough money and gear to register three kids in minor hockey. Canada is full of compassionate and helpful people. If you want to raise your family in a country like this, contact Canada Immigration Express. Their team will walk you through the application process from start to finish. Contact them today!
Bai was born in Syria, but escaped to Iraq when the civil war in his home country became too dangerous. His mother and siblings eventually arrived in St. John’s, Canada, in 2019. He has now found a new hobby with the Avalon Celtics. Bai said he likes hockey and likes his team. His Celtics were victorious in the Christmas tournament and Bai won his first gold medal. When asked about it, he ran to display his medal to everyone.

The generosity shown by those in Canada will never be forgotten by the young boy. Contact Canada Immigration Express today to begin the path to a new and exciting chapter in your life. You will have the opportunity to thrive living in Canada.