Vancouver Named Best City for Youth to Work in Canada

Vancouver Canada

Vancouver has topped the charts for a place where youth can see their personal and professional ambitions fulfilled. The city sitting on the west coast of Canada received a high score because of its performance on equity and inclusiveness, climate change, public health, transportation, youth jobs, and a good economy. 

The main con to living in the city is the cost of living. Canada is a great place to live as a newcomer. Canadians have free health care, higher education ranks with the very best in the world, and permanent residents have the option to apply for Canadian citizenship after living in the country for three years. 

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Hamilton, Ontario, was second on the list and in contrast to Vancouver, it scored very high on the cost of living. It did not rank very high in any particular category but overall was a high-ranking city. Edmonton ranked third, followed by Victoria, and Montreal. These youthful cities are trying to create better areas by engaging young people from 15-29 to develop and design innovative solutions to the cities’ critical issues. 

Robert Barnard, Co-founder of Youthful Cities, said the global pandemic has made the future of employment as a young adult seem even more insecure than before. As corporations and governments are preparing for post-pandemic recovery, there is a lot of opportunity to create a blueprint for accessible and inclusive work in Canada’s great cities. 

Contact Canada Immigration Express and find out what visa option is best for you to apply for. 
