Canadian Passport Among Most Powerful

Individuals carrying a Canadian passport are allowed to visit 116 countries without an extra visa and 50 countries by getting a visa on arrival, as reported by the Global Passport Power Rank. Earlier this year, Brazil waived tourist visa requirements for Canadians. Canada shares the fourth spot with many other countries. According to the report, Sweden, Singapore, France, and Norway are also ranked with the most powerful passport worldwide. If you are considering relocating to Canada, contact Canada Immigration Express. They will walk you through the steps of immigration and answer any questions you may have about the process.

Canada’s southern neighbor, the U.S., is ranked third on the list. Those with a U.S. passport can enter 117 countries without a visa and visit 50 countries by obtaining a visa upon arrival. Canada Immigration Express has a team of professionals ready to assist you in obtaining a visa to live and work in Canada. Contact them today!
